Play, sport and leisure
Environmental Planning
Urban Design
Landscape survey and feasibility study, LVIA, Masterplan, Landscape framework plan, Public consultation, Design and access statement, Design code, Hard and soft landscape proposals, Detailed infrastructure landscape design, Discharge of planning conditions, Lead designers
Randall Thorp’s knowledge and expertise in masterplanning large scale new settlements has led to the approval of this 2,350 home extension to Cambourne. The Cambourne West masterplan provides a holistically designed sustainable extension to the existing settlement, providing a series of new neighbourhoods along with one additional secondary school and two new primary schools, 6.26 hectares of employment land, local shops and community buildings, 2.68 hectares of allotments and community food growing, 10.3 hectares of new sports facilities, 14 new play areas and an extensive network of new woodlands, lakes, wetlands, grasslands and nature areas.
Our involvement in the development of the outline masterplan and LVIA, as well as our role as Lead Designer for the Design Code and Reserved Matters applications will help to ensure that a coordinated vision for the site is delivered successfully for our clients.