Randall Thorp prepared the TVIA for this proposed mixed use development at a site in Digbeth. The hybrid planning application seeks approval for the delivery of six different development plots which include a mix of land uses complimentary to the existing and emerging townscape. Uses include residential with retail, office and community/leisure uses at lower levels.
The TVIA demonstrated the development would have overall beneficial Townscape and Visual Effects on the surrounding receptors within the area. Building heights of between 6 and 25 storeys in key locations enhance placemaking and wayfinding. The design of the proposed development is rooted in an understanding of the local vernacular including materials, details, colour, rhythm, façade and fenestration, delivering a strong pattern of streets, plots and blocks with distinctive building form and style. The proposed development demonstrates a variety of high quality, attractive, unique streetscapes, public realm and semi-private amenity open space in an area which is currently lacking open space.