252 mince pies from 12 retailers, distributed to 12 team members across the whole of Greater Manchester for three rounds of a total of ten mince pie taste tests to determine the ultimate winner of the Randall Thorp 2020 mince pie taste test taste off!!
The draw was made by The Master of Mince, The Mince Meister, TV’s Mr Adam Zane. Results of each taste test were announced on our social platforms weekly in the lead up to Christmas - we’ll did all the hard work so you didn't have to.
Release the Pies!!
The 2020 Mince Pie Taste Test Taste Off Schedule
Round 1
Aldi VS. Asda (WINNER - Aldi)
Tesco VS. Sainsburys (WINNER - Tesco)
Greggs VS. Iceland (WINNER - Greggs)
Co-op VS. Morrisons (WINNER - Morrisons)
Spar VS. Lidl (WINNER - Spar)
Shop Local VS. M&S (WINNER - M&S)
Round 2
Aldi VS. Tesco (WINNER - Aldi)
Greggs VS. Morrisons (WINNER - Morrisons)
Spar VS. M&S (WINNER - M&S)
Round 3 - The Final
Aldi VS. Morrisons VS. M&S (WINNER - M&S)